Guaranteed On-Time Delivery If late, we'll refund shipping.If tracking says 'Delivered' but you don't have it.
A postal worker may scan a package "Delivered" but if it's too big for your mailbox they return it to your post office.
If it says "Delivered", call your post office with its tracking number. We emailed it to you.
Select a speed at Checkout
Your Tracking Number is different from your Order Number. Your tracking number is in the email we sent when we shipped your books.
If your package is late
About 99% of 'late' packages are found if you
1. Call your post office with your tracking number. If a package is bigger than your mailbox, it may be at your post office. Call and ask for it.
Your tracking number is in the email we sent when we shipped your order. Post office phone numbers: USA post offices AustraliaCanadaUKNew ZealandFranceGermanyJapan
2. Ask everyone in your home. Often, someone takes it in and forgets to tell you.
3. Ask neighbors near your home. Often, a neighbor gets it and forgets to tell you.
4. Wait 5 more days. Sometimes a package is just delayed. If a package is late, contact us at
Include your order number which was in the email we sent when we shipped your order.
Get your Tracking Number in the email we sent.
In the USA or Canada, call 1-800-GO-FedEx 1-800-463-3339
Reinforced Packaging
Your order is shipping in a reinforced, hard-cover package - boxes or heavy duty mailers. We couldn't find boxes strong enough, so professionals designed ours. The top box holds 14-30 comics. The ends have three walls of cardboard protection. The sides have two!
The smaller box holds up to 13 comics and has extra corner protection. An order of 1 to 3 books is shipped in a box or a heavy duty mailer.
All have an easy opening tearstrip. You won't need a knife, scissors, or keys to open them!
Every comic is bagged and boarded to protect it even more. Fragile is stamped on every package.